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L'Aviation Recrute Toutes les offres d'emploi Aviation ATR - CIFRE PhD Thesis - Preliminary design assessment of a Hybrid Regional Aircraft (H/F)

ATR - CIFRE PhD Thesis - Preliminary design assessment of a Hybrid Regional Aircraft (H/F)

AIRBUS - Toulouse

Date de publication : 25/04/2024
Entreprise : Airbus
Localisation du poste : Toulouse, Occitanie
Type de contrat : CDI
Experience requise : Débutant / Jeune diplomé / moins de 2 ans d'expérience
Salaire : nc.
Secteur d'activité : Production, Assemblage, Integration, Essais
Description du poste

Description de l'emploi :


Avions de Transport Regional (ATR) GIE 

Founded in 1981, ATR has become world leader on the market for regional aircraft with 90 seats or less. Since its creation, ATR has sold over 1,500 aircraft to over 200 operators based in more than 100 countries. ATR planes have totaled over 28 million flights. ATR is a joint partnership between two major European aeronautical players: Airbus Group and Leonardo. The ATR headquarters are located in Toulouse. ATR is ISO 14001 certified, the international benchmark for respecting the environment. 


Project description  

Want to join the ATR adventure? A new PhD opportunity has just opened on our Blagnac site! 

In 2022, ATR is awarded the Happy Trainees label. 90% of students recommend the company at the end of their work-study or internship. 


What we will do together: 

Being a PhD student at ATR means being integrated into a team as a full member with a real scope of intervention and responsibilities. You will have the opportunity to learn and develop your skills and experience within a market leading company and play your part in the aviation decarbonisation, for a more sustainable world! 


Related with the future project and R&T team, this PhD aims to analyse regional aircraft solutions featuring innovative powerplant, based on hybrid electric and hydrogen utilisation. Along the three years of PhD, the goal is to develop the necessary methods and tools to enable the conceptual design and trade-off of innovative concepts, taking into account different aspects such as:  

Definition of key enabling technologies and methods for their design and analyses. Example of technologies (not exhaustive): low and high temperature fuel cell, cryo and GHG hydrogen, innovative thermal management solutions, ? 

Review of the aircraft need and integration at aircraft level, via CAD model or similar  

Design (multi-objective) optimisation, including design constraints such as volume or certification requirements 

Design a multi-fidelity MDO process in order to minimize the computational time during the optimization process 

Adaptive optimisation strategy to handle discrete, categorical and hierarchical variables, multiple objectives and constraints 

Optimisation of the aircraft performance via energy management system, to assess the best hybridisation strategy to apply for a given mission profile 

The methodology will be integrated into the in-house code used in ATR. 

The work will be carried out through collaboration between ATR, ISAE-SUPAERO and ONERA and will build on a prior thesis (Palladino, Méthode de conception pluridisciplinaire appliquée à un avion régional à faibles émissions. 2023)  done with the same partners, which will be the starting point. The objective will be to go deeper into the analysis of an aircraft configuration based on hybrid electric technologies using higher fidelity models for the aircraft optimisation loop, introducing new elements such as the energy management system in the loop (propulsive and non-propulsive), etc. in order to find the best hybridisation strategy that minimises the emissions and the impact on aircraft (e.g. drag, masses, ?). 

Profile and skills required  

BAC+5 or equivalent in aerospace engineering, with focus on aircraft design  

Knowledge of Python 3.9 or higher  

Autonomy and team working 

Experience on high fidelity modelling, FEM, CFD, ?, is a plus  

Matlab / Simulink is a plus 

Understanding in disruptive technologies and sustainable aviation 

Knowledge of aircraft design process and preliminary aircraft design tools (e.g. PIANO, VSAERO, FAST, ?) 

Knowledge of Innovative aircraft technologies for decarbonising aviation 


Cet emploi exige une connaissance des risques de conformité potentiels et un engagement à agir avec intégrité, comme base de la réussite, de la réputation et de la croissance durable de la société.

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