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L'Aviation Recrute Toutes les offres d'emploi Aviation ALTERNANT - Commercial & Sales Project Manager (H/F)

ALTERNANT - Commercial & Sales Project Manager (H/F)

AIR FRANCE KLM - Roissy-en-France

Date de publication : 07/05/2024
Entreprise : Air France KLM
Localisation du poste : Roissy-en-France, Ile-de-France
Type de contrat : Apprentissage
Experience requise :
Durée : 24 mois
Salaire : nc.
Secteur d'activité : Production, Assemblage, Integration, Essais
Description du poste

Under the responsibility of the Technical Sales Manager and in accordance with all process applicable to his mission, the candidate will provide innovative and digital solutions to develop the commercial strategy of AFI KLM E&M.


In this respect, the candidate will have four main missions:

·         provide a new methodology to analyze the market,

·         align tools and procedures between AFI and KLM E&M,

·         develop the Technical Sales marketing content,

·         develop the LEAP commercial strategy.


To accomplish his mission, the candidate will have to, among others:

·         Understand the organization of the different services

·         Understand the customer contracts and tender process

·         Visit all services, including in Amsterdam

·         Get in contact with all international teams to collect their needs

·         Propose innovative solutions (with Office 365 and AI)

Use project management tools to report to his tutor

Profil recherché


You are a Master's student at a business or engineering School.

You  will demonstrate analysis and correlation skills, conscientiousness, accuracy, tact, networking and team spirit, self-reliance, open-mindedness and versatility.


You  must read, write and speak an advanced level of English as most of the meeting will be held in English. Ideally, a C1 level, but we could accept a solid B2.


We 're looking for a  candidate with  a good knowledge of the Office 365 suite (Sharepoint, Power Automate, Lists, Power BI?). Knowing how to use Artificial Intelligence (such as Chat GPT) is a plus.


This mission is suited for a commercial profile who is comfortable with IT.


Aviation technical knowledge is a plus, but is not mandatory for this missions


Please submit your application by providing your Curriculum Vitae and Letter of Motivation

 Merci de préciser dans votre CV ou lettre de motivation, le rythme de votre alternance.

Conformément aux engagements pris par Air France dans son accord 2015-2017 en faveur de l'emploi des personnes en situation de handicap, nos contrats en alternance sont ouverts à tous.


Merci de vous assurer que votre école/établissement est certifié Qualiopi

Votre contrat doit être impérativement un contrat d'apprentissage

Vous devrez vous munir de votre code RNCP lors de l'entretien, merci de le préparer en amont


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