Sabena technics signs a PBH agreement with Liebherr-Aerospace covering ATR 42/72-600 NAMS

Romain Guillot
le 27/10/2021 , Maintenance aéronautique
Sabena technics and Liebherr-Aerospace have signed a ten-year Pay-by-the-Hour (PBH) maintenance contract covering the repair of the new air management system (NAMS) on the ATR-600 series.

Under the terms of this agreement, Liebherr-Aerospace will be handling the comprehensive product support and services for Sabena technics' operators through a back-to-back contract. The support services will be performed by Liebherr-Aerospace's service stations in Toulouse (France), center of excellence for air management systems, and Liebherr-Aerospace's service stations in Singapore and Saline, Michigan (USA).

This new air conditioning management system, developed and produced by Liebherr-Aerospace, has been present on the ATR 42-600 and ATR 72-600 since the end of 2020. It is particularly reliable while considerably reducing maintenance costs compared to the old AMS supplied by Honeywell.

"We are pleased to work with Liebherr-Aerospace to support the fleet of our ATR42/72 operators. Liebherr provides a high level of performance and flexibility and understands what we expect in order to ensure the operational needs of our customers" commented Philippe Delisle, Chief Operating Officer, Sabena technics.

"Our main objective is always to offer best-in-class support and services solutions to our customers. Through this agreement we will meet Sabena technics' and its operators' expectations in terms of performance and services, ensuring their satisfaction", said Thierry Gourmanel, Head of Sales and Marketing from Customer Services, Liebherr-Aerospace.

Liebherr-Aerospace supplies the new air management system as well as the cabin pressure control system and anti-ice valves for the ATR program.

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