AEI wins two more conversions for its B737-400SF

Romain Guillot
le 11/03/2021 , Maintenance aéronautique
Definitely, Aeronaves T.S.M. (TSM) has a big need for cargo aircraft. Aeronautical Engineers, Inc. (AEI) signed two new contracts with the Mexican operator based in Saltillo for two new B737-400SFs.

The first is the exercise of an option for an aircraft already announced in November 2020, the second being an order for an additional conversion. Both aircraft will be converted by Commercial Jet in Dothan, Alabama, with the first scheduled to go into modification in September. Modification of the second aircraft will begin in January 2022.

TSM currently has several aircraft contracted with AEI and in the process of being modified, including one B737-400SF, two CRJ200 SFs and one MD-83SF. The Mexican carrier has also ordered two additional CRJ200 SF aircraft just a month ago.

Aeronaves T.S.M. today lines up more than twenty short and medium-haul full freighter aircraft.

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Aeronaves TSM AEI B737-400SF


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